Kindred Spirits Artisans
Kindred Spirits Artisans of Paris is an organization of individuals who share a common creative interest and who work cooperatively to actively encourage arts and crafts within the Paris and district community. This group has a core of approximately forty members, representing a variety of artistic and craft skills.
Kindred Spirits Artisans of Paris was founded in 1991. Over the past years, the cultural life of Paris has profited from open workshops, cultural discussions, exhibits, and members going out to speak to community groups about the importance that arts and culture brings to our community and its value to tourism and economic development.
Kindred Spirits' mandate is to support the arts especially among the youth in our community and therefore our members have presented free workshops to school-aged children, and our contribution to past Springtime in Paris events has involved an art area where children of all ages can experienced painting on a canvas.
The ever-popular Christmas in Paris is our annual November juried artisan show and sale which is anticipated by many. Fees collected at admission from Christmas in Paris are directed to each of the seven Secondary Schools in Brantford and Brant County where two local secondary school students are awarded cash bursaries for their excellence in the arts - music, dramatic, visual arts or creative writing.
As well, each year, Kindred Spirits awards ‘best of Show’ prizes for creative endeavours at the Paris Agricultural Fall Fair.
A warm welcome is extended to others to join in the creativity and camaraderie of Kindred Spirits Artisans of Paris.
Members meet once a month throughout the year, sharing talents and benefiting from the expertise of invited speakers and their own members. Meetings are currently held at Paris Presbyterian Church on Grand River St. N. in Paris ON. at 7 pm. on the third Tuesday (NOTE: Kindred Spirits follows Ontario government guidelines in regards to COVID-19 restrictions for meetings and events)
If you are interested in the arts and would like to learn more about Kindred Spirits, please contact us at web.ks.cip@gmail.com or you can check out our websites